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Join Us

Friday 1 November we need helpers from 8am at the KGV!


It takes about 100 people to arrangethe annual bonfire - some jobs go on throughout the year like fundraising and making torhces - some is nearer the night like bonfire builidng and marshalling - we need eberyone!


Torch Making

We need to make up  to 2000 torches every year! Fear not - there is ususally food and drink and banter


Bonfire Building

The bonfire can require over a 1000 pallets!


Marching at other Events

As part of the Sussex Bonfire Societies we are invited to march at other village marches.

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King George V Playing Field, Hawkhurst. Moor Hill, Hawkhurst, TN18 4QB


Friday November 1, 2024


Gates Open - 6:00 pm

Hawkhurst Gang Bonfire Society


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